Sunday, November 11, 2012

10/24/2012- Pizza Dough

So, this was the best and worst Pin try so far....I made pizza dough. Well, Noah and I made pizza dough. I started out following this recipe, but when it came time to mix, it was gooey and didn't form up like it should. I've made bread before with my grandparents, so I know what it should look and feel like, and this was far from.

So, I called up grandma desperate for help. She told me to add more flour to try to clump/dry it up and get it to form correctly. So, I added....and added.....and added. Three extra cups I added, plus a few handfuls that I added before I called her. It was crazy!

After it was all said and done, it rose up out of the bowl. A few hours in the fridge and a couple out and I cut it in half (froze half) and made a DELICIOUS pizza. The crust was AMAZING. Next time, though, I'm adding garlic butter to the crust. Mmmmmmm

See The Pin!

*The second time I made the pizza (from the other half) I added the garlic butter to the crust and it was SO good. I highly recommend it! I'm also going to experiment and try to make a "stuffed crust" like Pizza Hut does. It's Aaron's favorite pizza.

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